Home Uncategorized Vitamin B12 Deficiency -all you need to know
The incidence of b12 deficiency increases with age- affects 5 % of adults older than 65
- Patients can present with neuropsychiatric abnormalities-patients can have cognitive defects due to degeneration of the dorsal and lateral columns of the spinal cord
- Diagnosis requires a blood test- levels less than 148 pmol/l are diagnostic of deficiency
- dietary history and medication history should be checked- meds such as
proton pump inhibitors (acid suppressants )cause b12 deficiency and metformin (diabetes med).Diets low in animal products may lead to deficiency
- Patients with documented b12 deficiency should be treated- Daily high dose b12 – 1000micrograms b12 daily is as effective as IM b12. Monitor concentrations every 3-6 months.
Neuropsychiatric symptoms on treatment should resolve within months.