How We Test For Allergies

Skin Prick Allergy Test This is done with allergen extracts. It is inexpensive, produces immediate results and is generally more sensitive than blood tests. Blood tests or specific IgE’s measures allergen specific IgE to allergens in patients serum. Cast Testing This is considered when patients may develop symptoms due to sensitivity to various food additives like colourants, flavourants or preservatives. ImmunoCAP Blood Tests There are a range of over 450 individual Immunocap allergens available and include the following types of allergens:
  • Grass pollens
  • Weed pollens
  • Tree pollens
  • Animal danders
  • House dust mites
  • Mould spores
  • Insects and insect venoms
  • Food allergens such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, meats, fish, crustaceans, spices, dairy products etc.
Types of Allergies:
Test For Allergies in Cape Town

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