1. Symptoms
The characteristic symptoms of asthma are cough, wheeze and shortness of breath and chest tightness.
Associated factors indicating asthma are: family history of asthma and other allergic disorders, related topic disorders such as eczema or allergic rhinitis.
2. Classification
Asthma can be classified as mild intermittent or chronic persistent. Chronic persistent athsma can be classified as mild, moderate or severe.
3. Treatment
Goals of asthma treatment include preventing daytime and nighttime symptoms, have normal or near normal lung functions (spirometry),prevent serious attacks and lead productive physically active lives.
Drug therapy includes relievers and controller medication.All patients should receive inhaled corticosteroids as baseline asthma treatment. Additional treatment options include leukotriene modifiers and long acting B2 agonists. LABA’s should never be used without inhaled corticosteroids.
Preventative measures include reducing pollen exposure, avoiding contact with furry animals and avoiding personal and second hand tobacco smoke.