The food allergy epidemic has occurred over a short period of time thus this gives hope to those who seek to prevent it as the trigger may be modifiable. Food allergy prevention is therefore important . This is demonstrated for the reduction of specific allergies e.g. Latex where latex allergy was minimized by restricting the widespread use of powdered latex gloves. These prevention strategies have proven effective.
Also the rise in anesthetic related allergic reactions was prevented by restricting the widespread access to the sensitizing agent Pholcodine which was previously available over the counter.
Sensitization to foods can occur in infancy and prevention strategies should be targeted at early life even before 6 months of age and certainly before 12 months of age. . Findings are inconsistent for dietary interventions in pregnancy and may even compromise maternal and fetal nutrition .
The paradigm has shifted from avoidance of common food allergens to early consumption in an attempt to induce tolerance. As yet there is no evidence for pre and probiotics in the prevention of food allergies . While breastfeeding has many advantages for mother and infant it remains equivocal as to whether exclusive breastfeeding for any length of time offers protection against the development of food allergies.