Pet allergy : A case of indoor allergens and Cats

Allergy Doctor in Cape Town

Clinical History  :


This is Natalie . She is 26 years old and loves her cat and her boyfriend . She stays in a flat in Vredehoek. She reports constant sneezing and nasal congestion . She feels like she might be allergic to her own house.

Specific IgE Blood test results (antibodies to allergens that are inhaled ) showed a positive test to Cat Dander and Alternaria (mould)


Recommendations: Natalie worked with us to reduce her mould exposure. She used a dehumidifier in the home to reduce mould exposure. Her Cat was kept out of her bedroom . She was advised to be aware of the symptoms and take antihistamines when needed. An optional extra nasal spray was added if needed for bad days . She did very well and her symptoms stayed under control and she got to keep her cat.