Music improves Quality of life for dementia patients

The Jena project took place in 5 nursing homes in Thuringia, Germany and included 130 residents with dementia. After hearing their favorite music, the residents were calmer and more cheeerful and communicative. The project ran from 2018 to 2021. Since 2021 the project ran to include patients with dementia cared for at home by relatives.


Music that has been known for a long period activates a broad cerebral network. Factors to consider include whether there is a connection with the situation in which it was heard or whether it suits the listener’s taste. The music alleviated the patient’s restlessness and some looked forward to listening to the music all day long. Music is a cost effective, easy to use way to improve people’s wellbeing.  Nurses observed relaxation and calming in almost 28 % of seniors and improved mood in 26% and stronger social communication in 13%.