Moisturisers for face and body to alleviate itching

There are various moisturisers on the market in the chemists. It is better to receive advice from a medical expert about which ones work and will help . Epimax is an effective emollient that will restore the skin barrier in eczema or with dry skin that is itching. An intact skin barrier is less likely to itch and emolients assist with this. Epimax must be applied 2 – 4 x a day if symptomatic and during acute flares. It can also be used as a body wash instead of soap if the skin is very dry and irritated and towelled off with ease then re-applied to semi dry skin after bath or shower.


For the face if the epimax is too moisture rich a different facial moisturiser may be preferred. Currently Dr Dicks recommends Matriskin moisturisers . The recommended range for troubled allergy prone skin is the CR 7 moisturiser available from under Promo code thrivewithdrwendy   . Shipping is free and products last for approx 2 months. The eczema range has been tried on patients skin and has proven soothing and good for the moisture balance for the face.