So in Cape town there are 3 prevalent moulds – Alternaria , Cladosporium and Aspergillus. They can all be diagnosed on Skin Prick Tests easily (Don’t forget the 4 day antihistamine washout period prior to coming.)
Implications: Mostly an issue if you have asthma – prevalence of ABPA (allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis is 1-2%). It’s higher if you have Cystic Fibrosis. Why know – There can be complications – bronchiectasis if not treated effectively.
Aspergillus is found in garden waste – can come indoors through pet hair or the window . You get antibodies to Aspergillus and then inflammation and recurrent asthma exacerbations.
Look out for an abnormal Chest x ray , increased serum IG E to Aspergillus or positive skin test.
Another problem is Allergic fungal rhino sinusitis- Characteristic sinus symptoms but more severe – nasal obstruction , decreased smell , facial pressure. Diagnosis is based on the presence of nasal polyposis, CT scan findings and fungal hyphae in the histology of the mucosa positive IG E or skin prick to fungi
Environmental control – is limited but possible things to do include: bathroom ventilation, avoid decay plant matter and compost close to the house, clean the mould off with jig or bleach if visible and possibly see if you can afford a dehumidifier and open the windows more.