Vertigo resolution with a novel tool

A web based system can help patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)diagnose and treat a recurrent bout of dizziness on their own, results of a randomized control trial have shown.


BPPV is a vestibular disorder that is highly appropriate for telemedicine and digital therapies. The study was published online on January 17 in JAMA Neurology.


BPPV is the most common vertigo and is recurring.

Tiny particles (canaliths) in one part of the inner ear break loose and fall into the semicircular canals leading to a false sense of rotation.

The CRM- canalith repositioning maneuver is easy for patients to do and results in immediate resolution of BPPV in about 80 % of patients. But accurately identifying the affected canal is key.

The treatment group completed the online questionnaire for diagnosis and received and received a video clip on how to self administer CRM according to the type of BPPV that was diagnosed.

Shaheen Lakhan a neurologist and researcher from Boston said this study is a shining example of empowering people with self guided diagnosis of a ubiquitous disorder like BPPV.