Measles is one of the most contagious human pathogens known.
Transmission: Airborne, person to person and surfaces
Highly contagious
Infectiousness period: 5 days before the rash and up until 4 days after rash
Patients at greatest risk: not yet fully vaccinated, less than 5 years of age, immune compromised.
Clinical features:
Prodrome of 2-4 days of fever and malaise. Followed by conjunctivitis,cough and coryza.
Then about 4 days after fever , rash – morbilliform appears on the face classically and spreads centrifugally
Lasts about a week – rash
Cough may persist for one or two weeks
Diarrhoea – most common
Otitis media
Xeropthalmia and blindness
Treatment and prevention
None specific – Measles vaccine can be given as post exposure prophylaxis if given within 3 days.
If vaccination is contraindicated Measles Immune Globulin may be used for PEP within 6 days
Vitamin A must be given to all children contracting measles to prevent blindness
Please note measles is notifibale and forms are available via NICD website .