Risk Factors:
The risk factors for developing asthma differ with age. “During the fetal period, the first risk factor for asthma in unborn children is having asthmatic parents, especially an asthmatic mother ,’’said Chenivesse MD , of the department of respiratory medicine at Lille Regional University Hospital in France.
Parental Asthma, prenatal environmental tobacco smoke,and prematurity are well established risk factors of childhood asthma.
Inhaled Corticosteroids:
Can controlling the mother’s asthma in her pregnancy prevent asthma in her baby?
”Yes, “ said Chenivesse. Taking inhaled corticosteroids early on and making sure asthma is well controlled during pregnancy reduces the risk for asthma in the child.
Smoking, Dust mites:
In ‘at risk ‘ situations avoidance of dust mites during pregnancy and to breastfeed is recommended considering the literature.
A meta analysis concluded that prenatal or early life probiotic administration (Lactobacillus acidophilus) reduces the risk for atopic sensitization and decreases the total IgE level in children but may not reduce the risk of asthma or wheeze.